Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Ahmad Saeed Khan , Ana Tereza Bittencourt Passos

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In October 1996, the government of the State of Ceani, Brazil, instituted the Market-based Land Reform Program (PRAS) in partnership with the World Bank. Quantitative evaluation of the Program has indicated success; but due to the lack of appropriate methodology, no qualitative evaluation of the Program has been made. Our research seeks to rectify that lack. This analysis employed a research sample of 77 farmers distributed throughout the state's 7 counties. The results show that the Program contributed substantially to improve the quality of life of the target populati?n. After the Program's implementation, the Quality of Life Index (IQV) increased 70%. Indicators representing housing, durable goods, and sanitation made the largest contribution to this increase, while heath and education indicators contributed much less.


Market-based land reform, social development, Ceara.


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