Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Fernando Antonio Agra Santos; Roberto Araujo de Faria; Erly Cardoso Teixeira

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This work analyzes the changes in area under cultivation that occurred between 1985 and 1995/1996 in the mesa-regions Triangulo Mineiro/ Alto Paranafba and Zona da Mata of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The analysis was conducted in two methodological stages. First, variation in the area under cultivation for a specific crop was disaggregated into variation due to change in regional agricultural scale and variation due to the substitution effect. Second, an econometric model of the crop that had the greatest growth in cultivated area and highest substitution effect index value was developed to identify the main factors responsible for these high values. It is observed that the area under rice cultivation was reduced in all regions, a fact related with the high cost of production, that coffee cultivation expanded in Manhua~u, due mainly to the area's favorable climate and topography, and that the area devoted to pasture expanded the most. It is stressed that the amount of land devoted to pasture increased as labor became scarcer: a 1 % reduction in labor availability led to a 0.8% increase in pasture.


Agricultural composition, scale effect, substitution effect.


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