Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
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Ricardo S. Martins

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Demand forecasts can be used to identify the needs and priorities of investments in transport infrastructure allowing a better use of resources with optimized management and operation. Given some singularities of agricultural commodities, transport rationalization has strong economic repercussions, an issue of special concern for the State of Parana. The general objective of the present study was to provide a prognosis referring to transport demand and planning for corn, soya bean and soya meal in the State of Pararni. Linear programming models were used to estimate the potential grain production, the inter-zone flow, and the optimized modal distribution for the goods in Parana. As a conclusion, the urgent review of the State Highway Planning System is evident, with stimulus to railway expansion, maintenance of the modernization process of Paranagua Harbor, and the strengthening of the logistic service companies specialized in the problems of agribusiness in order to increase the States competitiveness when compared to others that invest in infrastructure.


Agribusiness, Agroindustrial logistics, agro-economy of Parana.


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