Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Original article

Influence of Transportation on the use of the Land: Viabilization Potential of Soybean Production in Legal Amazon Due to the Development of the Transportation Infrastructure

Fabiano Guimaraes Costa; Jose Vicente Caixeta Filho; Eugenio Arima

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The Brazilian Government has been proposing large investment projects aiming to improve transportation infrastructure of the Central-West and North regions. These projects intend explicitly to develop the delivery system in the Central-West, which stimulates the soybean expansion to Northern areas. However, basic infrastructure (energy and transportation, mainly) in these new areas are important bottlenecks for commercial agriculture, such as soybean. Even some technical question marks are remaining, once wet weather, poverty of soil and lack of adequate soybean varieties could reduce the viability of soybean in the Legal Amazon. There is, also, a potential for conflicts between the desire to produce commercial crops and the preservation of the largest tropical forest in the world. This paper intends to help in this discussion as well as in the analysis of georeferenced data from Legal Amazon, using a Geographic Information System (GIS) and an optimization model based on the von Thilnen's ring theory, incorporating a linear programming model developed to find out where in the Legal Amazon the soybean crop would be economically viable. The results obtained show that the soybean production area tends to grow significantly in regions close to a well developed infra-structure of transports and in agriculture/pasture areas or over the cerrados. The direct impact on the rainforest tends to be small. The maps resulted from this paper were compared to other mapped data (such as type of vegetation, type of soils, among others) and can help in developing public policies for a sustainable development of the Amazon.


logistics, soybean, Legal Amazon, Geographic Information System


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