Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Volume 33, Issue 4, 1983
33(4), 1983
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 229-230, 1983 25 Anos do Título de Especialista
Luiz Fernando de Oliveira
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 239-242, 1983 Hypnotic and tranquilizing effect of triazolam in the pre-anesthetic period
Almeida A.P., Ussuai M.M., Silva A L
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 247-249, 1983 Spinal anaesthesia with hyperbaric bupivacaine in cesarean section
Lucca M
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 251-255, 1983 Single dose bupivacaine-morphine epidural anesthesia
Imbeloni L E
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 257-259, 1983 Epidural morphine for post-operatory analgesia
Nascimento N.R., Albuquerque J.C. C, Lima T O'H de O
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 261-264, 1983 Intrathecal morphine for post-operative relief pain
Nocite J.R., Cagnolati C.A., Castro J.G., Roso M.A. P
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 265-273, 1983 Fentanyl epidural analgesia in patients with multiple trauma
Lucchesi M.R., Leitão F.B. P, Saraiva P.A. P, Rouby J J
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 275-277, 1983 pH influence on the ionic dissociation of local anesthetics
Braz J.R. C, Vane L.A., Tamburini Jr. R, Vianna P.T. G
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 279-285, 1983 Agrypnianalgesia
Molina J.M., Molina J C
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 287-289, 1983 Epidural meperidine in myocardial infarction
Imbeloni L E
Clinical Informations
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 291-294, 1983 Prolonged apnea by succinycholine and pseudocholinesterasactivity
Pavani N.J. P, EI Choureiri A.M. Magna L.A., Eugenio A.G. B
Clinical Informations
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 295-296, 1983 Respiratory arrest after interscalenic brachial plexus block. A case report
Figueira E.A., Guerra E.P., Barbosa J da S
Clinical Informations
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 297-298, 1983 Claude Bemard-Homer's syndrome following lumbar epidural block. Report of a case
Nocite J.R., Nicoletti Filho R L
Clinical Informations
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 299-300, 1983 Gallamine triethyiodide for treatment and prevention of post dural puncture headaches
Labrunie G.M., Gouveia M A
Clinical Informations
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 301-302, 1983 Selective tracheal intubation
Cheibub Z.B., Brandão A.B., Esberard Filho C, Escada EM
Clinical Informations
Special Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 303-308, 1983 The visual identity of S. B. A.
Maia J.C. F
Special Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 309-310, 1983 Anti-Pollution Systems
Gauthier-Lafaye PJ, Imbeloni L.E., Oteni J C
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 311-313, 1983 Aumento da Resistência da Via Aérea Durante a Anestesia
José Maurício Pereira Assef
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 313-314, 1983 Color Coded'' ou ''Touch Coded''
M.A. Gouveia
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.33 n4, 313-314, 1983 Avaliação Pré-Anestésica
Domevil de França Guimarães Filho
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol