Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 34, Issue 1, 1984

34(1), 1984


Bupivacaína na Raque : Há Vantagens M.A. Gouveia Editorial

Scientific Article

Plasmatic potassium leveis in dogs after intravenous succinylcholine Araújo C.E., Cortez J.M. M, Medrado V D Scientific Article
Low flow and closed system in pediatric outpatient. Comparative study with enflurane, halothane and isotlurane Silva J.M. C, Saraiva R.A., Vieira Z.E. G Scientific Article
Chronic epilepsy and ketamine hydrochloride Cremonesi E, Ragazzo P.C., Lucass F.J. C, Maozano G M Scientific Article
General anesthesia for odontologic outpatients with central nervous system disorders Koga C.S., Oliva Filho · L, Araújo J.T. V, Almeida Neto M.A., Serra Freire R B Scientific Article
Anesthesia in pelvic laparoscopy Pavani N.J. P, Braga A.F. A, Pereira RI C, Lucena F MP, Eugênio A.G. B Scientific Article
Post-operative glycemia after epidural morphine in patients submmited to general anesthesia. Gozzani J.L., Tardelli M.A., Leopoldo e Silva M.C. L, Yamashita A M Scientific Article
Epidural anesthesia for cholecistectomy. Barros S, O' Ryan E, Rodriguez G Scientific Article
Eye protection during general anesthesia Diemunsch P, Maccari C.I. T, Dumeny C Scientific Article
Anesthesia in facioma.xillary surgery with jaw fixation Guimarães L.A., Silva J.S., Portella A.A. V Scientific Article
Post-Operatory pain management lmbeloni L E Scientific Article

Clinical Informations

Anesthetic management in infant with hyperinsulinism. Pereira J, Vieira Z.E. G, Silva J.M. C Clinical Informations
Lesão Vascular Durante Cirurgia para Prótese Total de Quadril. Relato de Um Caso B.A. Rocha, C.B. Santos Clinical Informations
lntermitent Epidural Morphine. A case report. Franco Z.M.M., Spiegel P Clinical Informations
Anesthesia for paratyroidectomy. A case report Mortatti M.A., Freitas R.H., Issa Filho R, Cesarino E J Clinical Informations

Review Article

Malignant hyperthennia syndrome Xavier L. Review Article

Special Article

The responsabilities of the anesthesiologist. Dotti R.A. Special Article


Evaluation of anesthetic agents effects on the newbom Silva Neto J D Miscellaneous

Letter to the Editor

Sobre Bupivacaína em Raquianestesia Mário de Lucca Letter to the Editor
Sobre Bupivacaína em Raquianestesia M.A. Gouveia Letter to the Editor
Equipamentos para Baixo Fluxo de Gases J.·M. Couto da Silva Letter to the Editor


Antonio Paschoal Vicente Cirenza Pedro Geretto Necrology

Braz J Anesthesiol

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