Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Scientific Article

Avaliação do custo do medicamento para tratamento ambulatorial de pacientes com dor crônica

Evaluating the cost of drugs used in the outpatient treatment of chronic pain

Roberto Vlainich; Paola Zucchi; Adriana Machado Issy; Rioko Kimiko Sakata

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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dor crônica é muito prevalente e o custo do tratamento pode ter impacto relevante sobre as pessoas e a sociedade. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os custos mensais médios dos medicamentos para tratamento ambulatorial da dor crônica. MÉTODO: Neste estudo, analisou-se o custo de medicamentos empregados por 233 pacientes com dor crônica (117 com dor nociceptiva, 59 com dor neuropática e 57 com dor mista) e atendidos no Centro Alfa da UNIFESP, entre janeiro de 2004 e janeiro de 2008. RESULTADOS: A média de custos geral foi de R$127,74 (custo mínimo de R$5,00 e máximo de R$780,00). CONCLUSÕES: O estudo revelou que os custos de medicamentos não diferem de forma significativa, levando-se em conta o tipo de dor envolvida.




BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Chronic pain is very prevalent and the cost of its treatment can cause a relevant impact on people and society. The objective of this study was to evaluate the monthly cost of drugs used in the outpatient treatment of chronic pain. METHODS: In the present study the cost of the drugs used by 233 patients with chronic pain (117 with nociceptive pain, 59 with neuropathic pain, and 57 with mixed pain) followed at the Alpha Center of UNIFESP between January 2004 and January 2008 was evaluated. RESULTS: The mean general cost was R$ 127.74 (from R$ 5.00 to R$ 780.00). CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the cost of the drugs does not differ significantly taking into consideration the type of pain.




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