Síndrome de Tako-Tsubo em decorrência de bloqueio neuromuscular residual: relato de caso
Tako-Tsubo syndrome secondary to residual neuromuscular blockade. Case report
Marcos Guilherme Cunha Cruvinel; Fabiano Soares Carneiro; Roberto Cardoso Bessa Junior; Yerkes Pereira e Silva; Mirna Bastos Marques
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Tako-Tsubo syndrome is a rare postoperative complication with a 5% mortality rate. The objective of this report was to present residual neuromuscular blockade as a trigger for this syndrome, discuss this disorder, and call attention to the risks of residual neuromuscular blockade.
CASE REPORT: A 61-year old female, physical status ASA I, who underwent general anesthesia associated with paravertebral cervical block for arthroscopic repair of a rotator cuff lesion. Physical exam after extubation detected residual neuromuscular blockade. In the post-anesthetic care unit the patient developed somnolence, tachycardia, hypertension, and severe respiratory acidosis. After reintubation the patient evolved for cardiac arrest with electrical activity without a pulse, which was reverted with the administration of adrenaline and external cardiac massage. In the postoperative period the patient presented elevation of the ST segment, increased troponin, and left ventricular medial-apical akinesia with an estimated ejection fraction of 30%. Cardiac catheterization showed absence of significant atheromatous lesions in the coronary vessels, and severe disruption of the systolic function with inferior and antero-septo-apical akinesia and compensatory basal hypercontractility. The patient had complete functional recovery with the treatment instituted.
CONCLUSIONS: Residual neuromuscular blockade associated with diaphragmatic paralysis and possible pulmonary atelectasis leading to respiratory failure, hypercapnia, and adrenergic discharge triggered the Tako-Tsubo syndrome with severe clinical repercussion.
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