Gabapentina no tratamento da dor decorrente de cistos perineurais sacrais: relato de caso
Gabapentin to treat sacral perineural cyst-induced pain: case report
Elza Magalhães; Ana Márcia Mascarenhas; Durval Campos Kraychete; Rioko Kimiko Sakata
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Perineural cysts may induce difficult to control neuropathic pain. Anticonvulsivants are used to treat such pain. This report aimed at presenting a case of total pain remission with gabapentin after failure of all other therapeutic alternatives used.
CASE REPORT: Female, diabetic patient, 67 years old, complaining of lumbosacral pain for two months, with the following characteristics: daily, sharp and burning pain of mild to moderate intensity irradiating to posterior thigh. Pain would worsen with movement and in the standing position. Six months before she had had a similar pain episode which improved with steroids. Lumbosacral spine MRI showed 2.5 cm sacral perineural cyst injuries at S1, S2 and S3, compressing the dural sac and associated to bone erosion. Gabapentin was introduced in progressive doses until 900 mg/day, with complete pain relief.
CONCLUSIONS: Tarlov's cyst neuropathic pain may be adequately controlled with gabapentin.
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