Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Letter to the Editor

Neuraxial labor analgesia: a literature review: a letter to the editor

Analgesia neuraxial para parto: revisão da literatura: carta ao editor

Reza Aminnejad

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1. Aragao FF, Aragao PW, Martins CA, et al. Neuraxial labor analgesia: a literature review. Rev Bras Anestesiol. 2019;69:291---8.

2. Braga AFA, Carvalho VH, Braga F, et al. Combined spinal-epidural block for labor analgesia. Comparative study with continuous epidural block. Rev Bras Anestesiol. 2019;69:7---12.

3. Darnall BD, Carr DB, Schatman ME. Pain psychology and the biopsychosocial model of pain treatment: ethical imperatives and social responsibility. Pain Med. 2017;18:1413---5.

4. Salimi A, Aminnejad R, Safari F, et al. Reduction in labor pain by intrathecal midazolam as an adjunct to sufentanil. Korean J Anesthesiol. 2014;66:204---9.

5. Mousavi S, Aminnejad R. The effect of addition of intrathecal sufentanil to hyperbaric bupivacaine in cesarean section-a prospective randomized study: a letter to the editor. Anaesth Pain Intensive Care. 2019;23:105.

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