Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Rheological Behavior of Raw Natural Rubber Coagulated by Microorganisms

Wang, Zhifen; Luo, Wenjie; Fang, Lin; Liao, Shuangquan; Li, Lefan; Lin, Hua; Li, Sidong; He, Canzhong

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Tests of the strain sweep, frequency sweep and stress relaxation for raw natural rubber coagulated by microorganisms (NR‑m) and raw natural rubber coagulated by acid (NR-a) were carried out with the use of a rubber process analyzer (RPA). The results showed that the storage torque, complex viscosity of NR-m were higher than those of NR-a while the loss factor was lower. The effect of temperature on viscosity of raw NR was studied following the Arrhenious-Frenkel-Eyring model. The viscous flow behavior of NR-m was poorer than those of NR-a. Furthermore, stress relaxation measurements of raw NR showed a longer period of relaxation for NR-m.


Microorganisms coagulation, natural rubber, rheological properties


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