Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Qualitative histologic evaluation of the tissue reaction to the Polyurethane resin (Ricinus communis – based biopolymer) implantation assessed by light and scanning electron microscopy

Belmonte, Gustavo Campos; Catanzaro-Guimarães, Sergio Augusto; Sousa, Tatiana Peixoto T. de; Carvalho, Renato Savi; Kinoshita, Angela

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The tissue reaction of bone tissue accessed by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images after polyurethane resin implantation is presented in the present study. Twenty four male rabbits were used, divided into two groups of 12 animals each (experimental group and control group) in which fulll-thickness cranial defect was surgically created. At 30 and 90 days postoperatively 6 animals of each group were euthanized and bone samples were removed to analysis. The microscopic results indicated no inflammatory foreign body reaction, a perfect union between the polymer and surgical bone bed surface, lack of bone resorption and presence of a thin layer of osteogenic material covering the polymer surface in contact with the surgical bone bed. The SEM images demonstrate the porosity of the resin, with diameters from 120 to 500um. This important feature of this polymer is associated with its osteocondutivity, allowing the bone growth inside it, improving the integration between the material and bone tissue. So the results of this work reinforce that polyurethane resine derived from Ricinus communis is an excellent bone substitute for use in great bone losses repair surgery.


Bone repair, Polyurethane resin, Osteoconduction, Biocompatibility


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