Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Application of cationic hemicelluloses produced from corn husk as polyelectrolytes in sewage treatment

Landim, Alan Soares; Rodrigues Filho, Guimes; Sousa, Raquel Maria F.; Ribeiro, Elaine Angélica M.; Souza, Fulvio Rafael B. de; Vieira, Julia G.; Assunção, Rosana M. N.; Cerqueira, Daniel A.

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Hemicelluloses were extracted from corn husk and converted into cationic hemicelluloses using 2,3-epoxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride. The degree of substitution was determined as 0.43 from results of elemental analysis. The cationic derivative was also characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and Carbon-13 magnetic nuclear ressonance. The produced polymer was employed as coagulant aid in a sewage treatment station (STS) of the municipal department of water and sewer (Departamento Municipal de Água e Esgoto - DMAE) in Uberlândia-Minas Gerais, Brazil, using Jar test experiments. Its performance was compared to ACRIPOL C10®, a commercial cationic polyacrylamide regularly used as a coagulant at the STS. The best result of the jar-test essays was obtained when using cationic hemicelluloses (10 mg L-1) as coagulant aid and ferric chloride as coagulant (200 mg L-1). The results of color and turbidity reduction, 37 and 39 %, respectively, were better than when using only ferric chloride. These results were also higher than those of commercial polyacrylamide, on the order of 32.4 and 38.7%, respectively. The results showed that the cationic hemicelluloses presented similar or even superior performance when compared to ACRIPOL C10®, demonstrating that the polyelectrolytes produced from recycled corn husks can replace commercial polymers in sewage treatment stations.


cationic hemicelluloses, corn husk, flotation, sewage treatment


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