Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Solid State Polymerization: Its Action on Thermal and Rheological Properties of PET/PC Reactive Blends

Mendes, Luis C.; Pereira, Patricia S. C.

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The solid state polymerization (SSP) of PET/PC reactive extrusion blends - with and without cobalt catalyst - at different polymer ratios was studied. Thermal and rheological evaluations were performed. DSC results showed changes in the PET’s Tg, Tch, Tm and Xc. The melt flow rate (MFR) decreased for PET and the blends. The intrinsic viscosity increased. The variation in calorimetric and rheological properties might be attributed to the PET’s chain extension reactions – esterification and transesterification. These reactions led to an increase in the PET’s molar mass, consequently shifting the PET’s Tg to lower temperature and PET’s crystallization, besides reducing the blend miscibility and flowability.


Rheology, blends, catalysts, PET/PC, thermal properties


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