Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Compatibilization Efficiency of Carboxylated Nitrile Rubber and Epoxy Pre-polymer in Nitrile/Acrylic Rubber Blends

Celestin, Michell L.; Soares, Bluma G.

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An investigation has been made of the effects from a compatibilizer, viz. carboxylated nitrile rubber (XNBR), on several properties of nitrile rubber (NBR) and acrylic rubber (ACM) blends, including curing characteristics, mechanical, dynamic mechanical and dielectric properties. The presence of XNBR until 10 phr resulted in an improvement of the ultimate tensile properties, especially elongation at break. The mechanical properties associated to the volume fraction of rubber in the network (Vr) and torque values suggest the co-vulcanization phenomenon imparted by the compatibilization. The oil resistance of NBR/ACM (50:50 wt. (%)) blends (compatibilized and non compatibilized) was similar to that observed for pure ACM and significantly higher than NBR. The addition of small amounts of epoxy pre-polymer in combination with XNBR resulted in an additional improvement of the tensile properties. The dynamic mechanical and dielectric properties of the blends were also investigated. The loss modulus values of the compatibilized blends were significantly lower indicating an increase of the elastic characteristics. All blends presented two dielectric relaxation peaks confirming the heterogeneity of the compatibilized blends.


Acrylic rubber, nitrile rubber, blends, compatibilization, mechanical properties, dynamic mechanical properties, dielectric properties.


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