Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

PMMA/Ca2+ Bone Cements. Hydrolytic Properties and Bioactivity

Ramos, Adrián P.; Ruiz, Jesús E. G.; Hernández, Mónica L.; Éstevez, Gastón F.; Sánchez, Carlos A. T.

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Bone cements of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) have been used for about 40 years to fix artificial prosthesis to bone structure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the absorption, solubility, degradation and bioactivity of novel formulations of PMMA/Ca2+ bone cements. These properties were evaluated using a fractional experimental design. Hydrolytic parameters were determined, from which we found that 7/8 of the formulations for absorption and 6/8 for solubility fulfill the ISO 4049:2000 requirements. The final degradation values ranged between 1 and 5%, except for one of the formulations. Besides, some formulations showed bioactivity after seven days of immersion in SBF solution.


PMMA cements, hydroxyapatite, calcium carbonate


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