Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Influência do Tipo de Ponteira Condutora de Luz na Microdureza de uma Resina Composta

Influence of the Different Light-Curing TIPS in the Microhardness of a Composite Resin

Dobrovolski, Máx; Busato, Priscilla do Monte R.; Mendonça, Márcio J.; Bosquirolli, Virginia; Santos, Rosana A.; Camilotti, Veridiana

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The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of the light-curing tips on the microhardness of a micro-hybrid composite resin. Fourteen samples of Opallis (FGM) composite resin with 5 × 2 mm were prepared. The specimens were divided into two groups according to the light-curing tips from a halogen light curing unit (Optilight Plus –GNATUS/300 mW.cm–2): GI – optical fiber light‑curing; GII – polymer light-curing. After 24 hours, the microhardness measurements were determined using the HMV 2000 (Shimadzu Japan). Five measurements were made on each surface (top and bottom) totalizing 10 indentations for each sample. Statistical analysis using ANOVA showed no significant differences between the light-curing tips on both surfaces evaluated. It was found a statistically significant difference between the top and bottom for both light-curing tips. Based on these results, we concluded that the light-curing tips did not affect the microhardness of the composite resin, and both showed statistically significant differences in microhardness for the top and bottom surfaces.


Resinas compostas, microdureza e fotopolimerização


The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of the light-curing tips on the microhardness of a micro-hybrid composite resin. Fourteen samples of Opallis (FGM) composite resin with 5 × 2 mm were prepared. The specimens were divided into two groups according to the light-curing tips from a halogen light curing unit (Optilight Plus -GNATUS/300 mW.cm-2): GI - optical fiber light‑curing; GII - polymer light-curing. After 24 hours, the microhardness measurements were determined using the HMV 2000 (Shimadzu Japan). Five measurements were made on each surface (top and bottom) totalizing 10 indentations for each sample. Statistical analysis using ANOVA showed no significant differences between the light-curing tips on both surfaces evaluated. It was found a statistically significant difference between the top and bottom for both light-curing tips. Based on these results, we concluded that the light-curing tips did not affect the microhardness of the composite resin, and both showed statistically significant differences in microhardness for the top and bottom surfaces.


Composite resin, microhardness and light curing


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