Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

The Effect of Acetone Addition on the Properties of Epoxy

Amico, Sandro C.; Pezzin, Sérgio H.; Coelho, Luiz Antonio F.; Loos, Marcio R.

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In this work, a varied amount of acetone was employed to dissolve an epoxy resin and then a route was followed to remove the acetone, simulating a frequently used method to disperse nanofillers in thermoset matrices. Analyses were then carried out to address the influence of residual acetone on the curing process and on the epoxy properties. The results showed a detrimental effect on the mechanical properties of the cured epoxy due to the presence of residual acetone and also a less brittle-like fracture of the specimen. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analyses were additionally used to characterize the cured resins and have also indicated the presence of a small amount of acetone. Nevertheless, rheological measurements indicated that 10.0 wt.% acetone addition on the resin causes a significant decrease in viscosity (around 50%) which may promote a better dispersion of nanofillers.


Acetone, epoxy, curing process, mechanical and physical properties


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