Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Films of Post-Consumer Polypropylene Composites for the Support Layer in Synthetic Paper

Manrich, Sati; Correa, Ana Carolina; Santi, Cristiano R. de

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Composite films were studied as possible candidates for the central or support layer of synthetic paper in a multilayer structure. Recycled post-consumer polypropylene films were reinforced with inorganic fillers at various compositions and under several processing conditions, with the aim of optimizing the physical and mechanical properties of rigidity and low density. Three types of CaCO3, with and without surface treatment of the particles, were used, but only the treated ones were suitable for use in paper films. These samples were then used to analyze possible correlations of properties with composition and processing conditions, varying the CaCO3 particle size distribution and the film processing method, from casting extrusion (flat die) to blown-film extrusion (tubular die). An increase in film stiffness was observed as a function of CaCO3 content and a concentration of 30% CaCO3 was found to be best for the specific application. The flat films were stiffer than the tubular ones. The densities of all the composite films were considered high, compared to a pulp-based paper and a commercial synthetic paper. No significant effect on the physical-mechanical properties analyzed was observed when the CaCO3 particle size distribution was varied. Microcavities were found to form at the surface of flat films submitted to a bi-orientation process performed at laboratory scale; no other sample showed this surface morphology.


Polypropylene, synthetic paper, post-consumer waste, composite, oriented film


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