Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Cost-Effective Synthesis of Environmentally Benign Materials on the Basis of Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate

Sulzberger, P.; Kohler, R.; Seliger, H.; Häberlein, H.

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As an example for an environmentally benign and low-cost material we prepared blends from 1. copolyesterurethanes (PEU) and 2. cellulose acetate recycling material (CAR). The copolyester-urethanes were prepared by joining blocks of α, ω-(poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate)-diol and poly-butylenglycol-adipate-diol with hexamethylene diisocyanate. Fibrous CAR was transformed into a short-fiber felt by textile technology and calendared into the PEU melt. The processing of the blends was done at 80 - 100°C mainly by injection molding. The mechanical properties of the tough-elastic materials were studied with respect to the influence of the PEU composition and the ratio of CAR admixture. The starting materials, (R)-PHB and cellulose derivatives are obtained from agrarian resources. Therefore, the resulting polymers are stable under conditions of usage, yet readily bio-degradable on soil deposition. Mixing with cellulose acetate waste material allows for cost-effective production of such blends.


Blends, copolyester-urethane, cellulose acetate, recycling material


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