Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia

Polímeros, 25 years sharing scientific knowledge within the polymer community

Canevarolo, Sebastião V.

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Since its trembling firsts steps 25 years ago Polímeros has passed by many different experiences, which have taught all of us a great deal. Today we can say, without hesitation, that it has matured to a well-recognized journal which has the goal to share the scientific knowledge in Polymer Science and Technology developed by the work of their community members back to the community itself.

Following the drive done by the leading world scientific journals towards a greater acceptance and visibility among the scientific community, 2016 was a year in which Polímeros have taken many improvements. Since the beginning of this year we have moved to a new platform to handle the submitted articles. The chosen one was ScholarOne Manuscripts, a web-based, submission and peer review workflow tool for scholarly publishers and societies from Thomson Reuters (www.thomsonreuters.com/ScholarOne‎). It is one of the leading scientific platforms in the world, and recommended by SciELO, the Scientific Electronic Library Online (www.scielo.org), which holds a selected list of the most important Brazilian scientific journals.

The publishing periodicity of the journal was reduced to one issue every three month, publishing 12 peer-reviewed articles each, being 10 in English and 2 in Portuguese. Only in the period of Feb-Nov, authors from many countries have submitted 140 articles, and most of the accepted ones are already published. In the beginning of next year, Polímeros will publish an extra issue containing the last 16 accepted articles written in Portuguese. From that onwards, Polímeros will be entirely in English. Another action taken by the editorial board was to invite 4 leading international researchers to act as Associated Editors, who, with the other 6 Brazilians, are also in charge of the peer-review process.

If we can say that the scientific part of Polímeros is doing well the same cannot be said to its funding’s. They are getting lower every year and the expectations for 2017 are not favorable at all. Foreseen that the members of the Council Board have taken last year the hard decision to ask a page-charge to the authors of the accepted articles, to help funding the journal. So please, help maintain your journal, budgeting funds to publication when applying to grant your future projects.

Opening this issue the president of the Scientific Committee Prof. De Paoli addresses his views to the polymeric community, highlighting the time-consuming and tiring work done by many anonymous people in order to maintain Polímeros as it stands today.

Let us all do our part in order to keep Polímeros leading and strong for the next years to come ….

Sebastião V. Canevarolo

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Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia

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