Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia


Council, Editorial

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Dear Author,

Presently, the resources that the journal Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia receives from the funding agencies do not cover all the expenses to maintain the quality of its content and the periodicity. Additionally, Polímeros is as a fully open access journal. These expenses include printing, digital maintenance, personal, postal mail, desktop editing, etc. ABPol covers part of these expenses; however, the publication costs have increased considerably in the last years.

To cope with this, we are campaigning to attract donors. Therefore, we are kindly asking the authors of accepted papers to contribute with US $ 25.00 (nowadays R$ 100,00) per published page (like many international journals around the world propose today).

We ask the authors to help with any possible amount, although it is also convenient to emphasize that the non-payment of this contribution will not prevent the article from publication. All articles will go through the same normal editorial procedures. Payment does not guarantee publication priority. This campaign is only an alternative to maintain our periodicity. Please think carefully to enhance your involvement with Polímeros.

If you agree, see next page for instructions to carry on the fee payment.
i) For Authors or Institutions in Brazil we will provide a receipt, described as “copydesk payment - taxa de editoração”.
ii) For overseas, a special receipt will be provided after confirming the paypal payment.

We thank very much for your comprehension.

The Editorial Council
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia

588371d57f8c9d0a0c8b4aa3 polimeros Articles
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Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia

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