Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Modification of thermal and rheological behavior of asphalt binder by the addition of an ethylene-methyl acrylate-glycidyl methacrylate terpolymer and polyphosphoric acid

Pereira, Gerson da Silva; Morales, Ana Rita

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This study evaluated the modification effects of adding ethylene-methyl acrylate-glycidyl methacrylate terpolymer (EMGMA) in the presence of polyphosphoric acid (PPA) to an asphalt binder graded as 50/70 (0.1mm) in the Brazilian penetration grade specification (AC 50/70). The EMGMA terpolymer has been presented as a new alternative to modify asphalt binders properties, as scientific literature is scarce on its usage in this context and also on the role of PPA when used in combination with reactive polymers. The characteristics of the modified binder were analyzed by standard and rheological testing, including Multiple Stress Creep Recovery test (MSCR) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis. The MSCR test showed that the modified binder presented lower values of non-recoverable compliances (Jnr) and a higher percent recovery, when compared to the conventional binder. This behavior indicates that addition of EMGMA and PPA in asphalt binders could enhance the resistance to rutting of asphalt mixtures. The statistical evaluation showed that EMGMA had greater influence on the studied properties of Jnr (0.1kPa), MSCR recovery, softening point and elastic recovery at 25°C and that the PPA had also significant influence on these properties. FTIR analysis showed that chemical reactions occurred between the asphalt binder and EMGMA, forming a three-dimensional polymeric network, which promotes improved characteristics.


asphalt binder, modified asphalt binders, MSCR, non-recoverable compliance, ethylene-methyl acrylate-glycidyl methacrylate terpolymer.


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