Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Microalgae biopeptides applied in nanofibers for the development of active packaging

Gonçalves, Carolina Ferrer; Schmatz, Daiane Angelica; Uebel, Lívia da Silva; Kuntzler, Suelen Goettems; Costa, Jorge Alberto Vieira; Zimmer, Karine Rigon; Morais, Michele Greque de

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This study was conducted to develop PCL nanofibers with the incorporation of microalgae biopeptides and to evaluate the stability of chicken meat cuts during storage. PCL and PCL/biopeptides nanofibers were formed by electrospinning method, and the diameters obtained were 404 and 438 nm, respectively. The tensile strength, elongation, melting temperature and thermal stability of biopeptide-added PCL nanofibers were 0.245 MPa, 64%, 56.8 °C and 318 °C, respectively. PCL/biopeptide nanofibers showed a reducing power of 0.182, inhibition of 22.6% and 12.4% for DPPH and ABTS radicals, respectively. Chicken meat cuts covered by the PCL/biopeptide nanofibers showed 0.98 mgMDA∙kg-1 and 25.8 mgN∙100g-1 for TBARS and N-BVT analysis, respectively. Thus, the PCL/biopeptide nanofibers provided greater stability to the product and control of oxidative processes ensuring the product quality maintenance during the 12 d of storage.


antioxidants, electrospinning, poly-ɛ-caprolactone.


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