Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Removal of Remazol brilliant violet textile dye by adsorption using rice hulls

Ribeiro, Geyse Adriana Corrêa; Silva, Domingos Sérgio Araújo; Santos, Clayane Carvalho dos; Vieira, Adriana Pires; Bezerra, Cícero Wellington Brito; Tanaka, Auro Atsushi; Santana, Sirlane Aparecida Abreu

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The release of industrial effluents into the environment causes widespread contamination of aquatic systems. Adsorption is seen as one of the most promising treatment processes, and lignocellulosic materials have gained prominence as adsorbents. This study investigates the potential of rice hulls, either in natura or treated with nitric acid, as adsorbents for removal of the dye. The adsorbents were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, solid state 13C-NMR, thermogravimetric analysis, and pH at point of zero charge. The dye adsorption experiments were carried out in batch mode, using different experimental conditions. The kinetic adsorption data could be fitted using the model of Elovich. The Freundlich model provided the best fit to the isothermal data. The thermodynamic parameters confirmed the spontaneity of the adsorption process. These adsorbents offer an alternative for dye removal, with advantages including biomass availability and low cost.


adsorption, remazol, rice hull.


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