Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

In vitro and in vivo cell tracking of PKH26-labeled osteoblasts cultured on PLDLA scaffolds

Duek, Alice Rezende; Costa, Gabriel Ciambelli Dias da; Más, Bruna Antunes; Barbo, Maria Lourdes Peris ; Motta, Adriana Cristina; Duek, Eliana Aparecida de Rezende

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The importance of monitoring in vivo interaction that occurs between cells /bio/tissue recipient in the understanding of tissue regeneration processes becomes ever greater. This study aims to monitor and evaluate the influence of scaffold implants of poly (L-co-D, L lactic acid) - PLDLA synthesized in the laboratory, previously cultured with primary osteoblastic cells heterologously stained with the fluorescent vital dye, PKH26, on the tissue regeneration process in 8 mm central critical defects of the Wistar rat calvaria. The results obtained by MTT assay and monitoring of cells stained with PKH26 dye over 14 days of culture showed that the dye was cytocompatible with osteoblastic cells and did not exert a negative influence on the growth of unstained cells. In the in vivo study, macroscopic observations made during deployment times corroborate the results in vitro, as no apparent signs of toxicity were observed in the implanted bone defect area. The use of mobile monitoring with the dye, PKH26 in vivo is an effective strategy for the understanding of cell behaviour in the presence of PLDLA polymer.


PKH26, PLDLA, scaffolds, tissue engineering


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