Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Gelatin capsule waste: new source of protein to develop a biodegradable film

Campo, Camila de; Pagno, Carlos Henrique; Costa, Tania Maria Haas; Rios, Alessandro de Oliveira; Flôres, Simone Hickmann

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This work aimed to develop biodegradable films utilizing a new source of gelatin derived from the nutraceutical capsule manufacture waste of coconut with safflower oil, coconut oil and safflower oil. The mechanical, physicochemical, barrier, optical, biodegradation, thermal and morphological properties were evaluated. All films showed low water vapor permeability, intermediate water solubility and high elongation at break. In addition, the films exhibited excellent barrier ability to ultraviolet light. After 15 days of soil burial degradation, the films lost over 68% of initial weight. Scanning electron microscopy showed an appearance free of pores, cracks or bubbles. Furthermore the films showed similar characteristics independent of the waste utilized. The results demonstrated that all the biodegradable films prepared presented appropriate characteristics to be used as substitute to synthetic packaging.


gelatin films, food packaging, nutraceutical capsules waste, environmental impact.


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