Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Rheological properties and curing features of natural rubber compositions filled with fluoromica ME 100

Honorato, Luciana; Dias, Marcos Lopes; Azuma, Chiaki; Nunes, Regina Célia Reis

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This work aims at studying not only the rheological behavior of natural rubber-based compositions by making use of different contents of fluoromica or ME 100 synthetic mica in a natural rubber (NR) matrix, but also the different filler-filler and matrix-filler interactions before and after curing. The ME 100 content in NR varied from 0 to 10 phr (parts per hundred parts of resin) and the results enabled to conclude on the influence of the mineral filler on the curing parameters, as well as on the limit amount of ME 100 for the best performance resulting from the best filler distribution/interaction in the polymer matrix. All data were compared with those of the unfilled composition. Based on complex viscosity, curing parameters, dynamic modulus and Payne effect tests it was concluded that the mica content limit for the best performance was 7 phr.


rheology, natural rubber, synthetic mica, fluoromica.


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