Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Biopolymer production using fungus Mucor racemosus Fresenius and glycerol as substrate

Araújo, Thaíssa Rodrigues; Petkowicz, Carmen Lúcia de Oliveira; Cardoso, Vicelma Luiz; Coutinho Filho, Ubirajara; Vieira, Patrícia Angélica

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This study evaluated extracellular production of biopolymer using fungus Mucor racemosus Fresenius and glycerol as a carbon source. Initially employing conical flasks of 500 mL containing 100 mL of cultive medium with 0.18 ± 0.03 g.L–1 of microorganisms, the results showed that the best conditions of the variables studied were: initial concentration of glycerol 50 g.L–1, fermentation time of 96 h, inoculum cultivation time of 120 h, and aeration in two stages–the first 24 hours without aeration and 72 hours fermentation with aeration of 2 vvm and 2 g.L–1 of yeast extract. The experiments conducted in a Biostat B fermenter with a 2.0 L capacity that contained 1.0 L of medium showed production of 16.35 g.L–1 gum formed and 75% glycerol consumption. These conditions produced a biopolymer with the molecular weight and total sugar content of 4.607×106 g.mol–1 (Da) and 89.5%, respectively.


biopolymer, Mucor racemosus Fresenius, glycerol, aeration, fermentation, productivity


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