Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

CO2 adsorption by cryogels produced from poultry litter wastes

Lídia Kunz Lazzari; Daniele Perondi; Ademir José Zattera; Ruth Marlene Campomanes Santana

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Poultry litter waste (PLW) is the main by-product generated by the Brazilian poultry industry. A sustainable approach for reusing this waste is the production of biochar to be further used aiming CO2 adsorption. In this work, biochars were produced by varying the N2 flow along the pyrolysis process of 150 (PLW-150) and 1000 (PLW-1000) mL min-1. PLW and biochars were characterized for their morphology, porosity, specific surface area, and CO2 adsorption capacity. From the biochars, carbon cryogels (CC) were produced aiming their use as CO2 adsorbents. The results of the cryogel adsorption test showed a CO2 adsorption capacity of 13.1±2.9 and 33.8±3.3 mg g-1 for the CC-PLW.150 and CC-PLW.1000 cryogels, respectively. Therefore, reusing this residue for cryogels production and its use in the CO2 adsorption signifies an attractive perspective to minimize the environmental damage caused by CO2 emissions.


biochar, carbon cryogels, CO2 adsorption, porous materials, poultry litter wastes


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