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Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Improving the thermal properties of fluoroelastomer (Viton GF-600S) using acidic surface modified carbon nanotube

Heidarian, Javad; Hassan, Aziz; Rahman, Nor Mas Mira Abd

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Acid surface modified carbon nanotube (MCNT)-, Carbon nanotube (CNT)-filled fluoroelastomer (FE) and unfilled-FE were prepared (MCNT/FE, CNT/FE and FE). The compounds were subjected to thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and heat air aging, and characterized by Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX). Results showed that MCNT improved the thermal properties of FE, resulting in a larger amount of FE and char remaining in the temperature range of 400-900 °C relative to unfilled FE and CNT/FE. The MCNT/FE TGA curve shifted towards higher temperatures compared to CNT/FE and FE. The same results also revealed that higher percentages of FE were undegraded or less degraded especially near MCNT in the temperature range of 400-540 °C. Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) results indicated that the percentage of carbon and fluorine in the residue of TGA scans, up to 560 °C, of MCNT/FE were the same as CNT/FE, and were higher than FE. EDX results of TGA residue (run up to 900 °C) showed that most of the undegraded FE, which was not degraded at temperatures below 560 °C, was degraded from 560 °C to 900 °C in both MCNT/FE and CNT/FE, with the char in MCNT/FE being more than that in CNT/FE. EDX analysis of thermal aged specimens under air showed that, with increasing aging time, a greater percentage of C, O and F was lost from the surface of filler/FE and FE. The order of element loss after 24 hour aging time was: MCNT/FE > FE > CNT/FE.


nanocomposites, fluoroelastomer, acidic surface modified, carbon nanotube, thermal properties, thermal aging.


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