Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Development by extrusion of composite films based on Poly(Lactic Acid)/Babassu Mesocarp Flour

Lucas Rafael Carneiro da Silva; Railha Antunes de França; Raquel do Nascimento Silva; Tatianny Soares Alves; Renata Barbosa; Alessandro de Oliveira Rios; Ruth Marlene Campomanes Santana

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The objective of this manuscript was to investigate the influence of different Babassu Mesocarp Flour (BMF) contents (3, 5, 8, and 10% by weight) on the physical and surface properties of the Poly(Lactic Acid) (PLA) matrix. For this purpose, composite films were produced through flat-die extrusion processing. Visual analysis showed that the films were successfully produced by this processing method and exhibited good handling. The physical properties of the films varied as follows: width (16.41‒20.38 cm), thickness (0.14‒0.24 mm), apparent density (0.78‒1.07 g/cm3), and grammage (168.34‒255.31 g/m2). Through optical microscopy, good distribution and dispersion of the particles were observed despite the presence of some agglomerates. The film surface became rough due to the incorporated flour content, which influenced the contact angle result. The combination of PLA/BMF for producing composite films has technological potential, enabling the valorization of an industrial by-product and preserving the environment.




Babassu Mesocarp Flour, composite films, flat-die extrusion, packaging, Poly(Lactic Acid)


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