Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

All-polymer-based ammonia gas sensor: applying insights from the morphology-driven ac electrical performance

Ana Carolina Kelmer; Cleidinéia Cavalcante da Costa; Rodrigo Fernando Bianchi

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This paper investigates the electrical, morphological, and mechanical behavior of ultrathin layer-by-layer polyaniline/poly(vinyl sulfonic acid) (PANI/PVS) ultrathin films for ammonia gas sensing. Atomic force microscopy shows that the PANI/PVS surface's roughness increases almost linearly with the number of PANI/PVS bilayers, while the surface morphology varies from a rod-like structure to a film-like architecture. Impedance measurements and their representation by a Cole-Cole model confirm this transition at ~15 bilayers. The designed sensor shows low response time (< 1 min), an optimal operating frequency range (1–100 Hz), high stability and sensibility to ammonia (~ 98 kΩ/ppm), and low sensibility to strain (~ 3.6 kΩ/%). This study suggests that hopping carriers' concentration remains constant, and hopping carriers' mobility changes with the number of bilayers. The simultaneous analysis of morphology with complex impedance measurements is a strategy for enhancing the electrical performance of low-cost and flexible organic sensing devices.




conductivity, printed devices, sensing devices, strain gauges, topology


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