Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Low-cost and novel Arduino®-Load cell-based prototype to determine transition temperatures

Luis Carlos Rodríguez-Pacheco; Francisco Paraguay-Delgado; Rubén Castañeda-Balderas; María Luisa Camacho-Ríos; Guillermo Manuel Herrera-Pérez; Iván Alziri Estrada-Moreno; Daniel Lardizábal-Gutiérrez

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The polymer transition temperature is a crucial parameter in the industry for knowing raw materials before starting the manufacturing process. The current work reports a novel low-cost prototype instrument to measure the transition temperature with reliable accuracy. The equipment was built using commercial load cells composed of strain gauges in combination with an Arduino® microcontroller. The prototype measurement quality was validated by measuring the transition temperatures of most commercial polymers. The obtained values were compared with values obtained by conventional thermal analysis known as differential scanning calorimetric and thermo-mechanical analysis (DSC and TMA), which results in identical values.




Arduino®, load cell, polymer transition, DSC, TMA


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