Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Physical properties of Oriental beech impregnated and coated with some chemicals

Hilmi Toker; Çağlar Altay; Ergün Baysal; İlknur Babahan Bircan; Hüseyin Peker

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In this research, oven-dry density, air-dry density, and water absorption levels of Oriental beech treated with flame-resistant chemicals (FRC) and coated with polyurethane/polyure (PU) and epoxy (EP) were evaluated. According to ISO 3129 standard, the experimental specimens were made from Oriental beech wood. Wood specimens were subjected to 3% aqueous solutions of boric acid, borax, a boric acid and borax mixture (1:1; weight: weight), ammonium sulphate, and polyurethane/polyurethane, and epoxy resins before being coated with these substances. Results showed that oven-dry and air-density values of PU coated wood were much higher than EP coated wood. Water absorption (WA) levels of PU coated of wood were lower than EP coated wood. While FRC treated and PU coated wood resulted in lower WA levels than only PU coated wood, FRC treated and EP coated wood resulted in higher WA levels than only EP coated wood.


coating, epoxy resin, impregnation, polyurethane/polyure resin, physical properties


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