Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Welding parameters process study of non-metallic expansion joints polymeric composite

Marcos Dorigão Manfrinato; Eduardo de Campos Leite; Rafael Roberto Pavani; Henrique Boschetti Pereira; Lucas Camargo Soares Carvalho da Silva; Luciana Sgarbi Rossino

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Polymeric composite materials, presenting a practical solution for sealing non-metallic expansion joints under extreme conditions such as high temperatures and harsh chemical and physical abrasion, were investigated in this scientific study to discern the impact of welding parameters on their degradation and properties. The study entailed the bonding of polymeric composite blankets through hot plate pressing with a PTFE film, encompassing variations in temperature, duration, and load application. The findings elucidated that lower temperatures and shorter processing times failed to achieve optimal blanket adhesion, while higher temperatures led to material degradation, subsequently diminishing the mechanical strength of the welded joint. In contrast, extended processing times and the application of load during welding demonstrated a positive correlation, enhancing the mechanical strength of the joint by ameliorating interfacial adhesion. This research underscores the critical significance of carefully selecting welding parameters to ensure the peak performance and durability of polymeric composite structures.



polymeric composite, hot plate welding, composite, seal blanket


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