Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Sustainable composites of eco-friendly polyethylene reinforced with eggshells and bio-calcium carbonate

Kássia Peçanha Vieira; Alexandra Augusta Reichert; Gabriel Monteiro Cholant; Dielen Marin; Cesar Augusto Gonçalves Beatrice; Amanda Dantas de Oliveira

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This work aimed to obtain and analyze composite materials made from green polyethylene and calcium carbonate extracted from chicken eggshells. The shells were collected and prepared for later extraction of calcium carbonate. With the X-ray diffraction analysis it was possible to confirm that both the in natura reinforcement and the calcined one, have the same polymorph mineral (calcite). With regard to thermal behavior, compounds with in natura reinforcement showed greater mass loss due to the moisture contained in them. The results showed a significant increase in Young’s moduli of the composites compared to the pure polymer. The scanning electron microscopy showed good dispersion and adhesion between the reinforcement materials and matrix. In view of the results, eggshells have the potential to be used as fillers, where greater rigidity is required. Since these materials come from a waste material, with low cost, their use becomes even more viable.




biopolymers, calcium carbonate, composites, eggshells, polyethylene


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