Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Selection of materials with entropy-topsis by considering technological properties of impregnated wood

Nadir Ersen; Hüseyin Peker; İlker Akyüz

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In this study, the hybrid Entropy-TOPSIS method is applied to the problem of selecting an optimal impregnation material with maximum performance requirements. Swelling, shrinkage, bending strength, modulus of elasticity, compressive strength and shock strength values were used to rank the impregnation materials. Barite, boric acid, borax and their mixture were used to impregnation material. The impregnation materials used in the study generally increased the physical and mechanical properties of the spruce specimens, except swelling. The impregnation materials reduced the swelling of the specimens. According to the entropy method, the most important factor affecting the success of the impregnation process was the modulus of elasticity. According to the TOPSIS method, the most successful impregnation material was a mixture of barite and boric acid. Moreover, the proposed method was compared with other Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) approaches and it can be used to ranking of impregnation materials with reliable accuracy.




TOPSIS, entropy, decision making, impregnation


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