Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Influence of carbon black trimodal mixture on LDPE films properties: Part2 – SME

Juliano Martins Barbosa; Cesar Augusto Gonçalves Beatrice; Luiz Antonio Pessan

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In this work, the influence of Specific Mechanical Energy (SME) to disperse a trimodal distribution of carbon black (CB) by extrusion was studied to evaluating the effect on LDPE films properties (colorimetric and rheological). Three types of CB were previously evaluated (PART1) and determined that the best formulation was the combination between small (S) and medium (M) particles (F18 and F13), obtaining greater tinting strength with lower viscosity. In this work (PART2), these formulations were processed with different SME levels by varying the extrusion parameters, like screw rotation speed (N) and feed rate (Q), modulate the SME. The result of each process was evaluated by Tinting Strength, MFI, Total Transmittance and it was determined that the process with 600 rpm and 10 kg/h feed rate, generating a SME of 0.29 kWh/kg for F18-P03, developed the best results, mainly in the Tinting Strength, from 126.7% to 133.2% related to F18 (PART1).




carbon black, specific mechanical energy, tinting strength, trimodal particle size distribution, viscosity


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