Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Polymer composite produced with Brazil nut residues and high impact polystyrene

Jefferson Renan Santos da Silva; João Christian Paixão Fonseca; Thais da Silva Santos; Josiel Bruno de Oliveira; Thiago Monteiro Maquiné; Bruno Mello de Freitas; Raimundo Nonato Alves Silva; Nayra Reis do Nascimento; João Martins da Costa; Roger Hoel Bello; José Costa de Macedo Neto

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Solid residues from agroindustry often accumulate and cause environmental imbalance. An alternative to this is to use this residue as a reinforcement in polymers. The achievement of this work was to characterize a composite with a polystyrene matrix reinforced with Brazil nut shells residues. The residues were cleaned and ground to then produce the samples via injection molding with the proportions of 0%, 2.5% and 5% of load. The specimens were characterized using mechanical tensile testing and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The mechanical test showed that the composite with 2.5% of filler had greater stiffness and strength was improved by 5%. Thermal analysis showed an increase in the temperature for the beginning of the degradation of the M2.5 composite. The results confirm a potential application in the automotive industry for the polystyrene composite reinforced with Brazil nut shells.




residues, polystyrene, HIPS, characterization


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