Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Classification of natural rubber foam grades by optimising the azodicarbonamide content

Fateehah Baru; Sitisaiyidah Saiwari; Nabil Hayeemasae

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This study aimed to focus on classifying rubber foam grades according to ASTM D1056. The natural rubber foams were prepared by varying the Azodicarbonamide (ADC) content from 2 - 10 phr. The results were evaluated on their physical and mechanical properties. The relative foam density of the foams decreased, and the expansion ratio increased with the addition of ADC. This was due to the increase in the gas phase raised by ADC. In addition, adding ADC also decreased hardness and compression-deflection of the foams, whereby the values obtained were higher after oven aging due to the radical recombination caused by chain breaking. According to ASTM D1056, the compression-deflection values of the foams were 2A2 and 2A3 grades, where the ADC content at 6 – 10 phr met the basic properties required by the same standard. Furthermore, the ADC content at 6 phr is strongly suggested when considering the foam morphology.




azodicarbonamide, compression-deflection, foam, natural rubber


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