Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Development and characterization of green polyethylene/clay/antimicrobial additive nanocompositesa

Priscylla Jordânia Pereira de Mesquita; Tatianny Soares Alves; Renata Barbosa

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In this work, nanocomposites were developed and evaluated using high-density bio polyethylene (BPEAD)/Cloisite 20A (3 and 6%)/commercial antimicrobial additive (0,5 and 1%) containing 1% of zinc pyrithione dispersed in vinyl acetate (EVA). The samples were prepared in a single screw extruder using the melt intercalation technique and then by flat extrusion to obtain the films. X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed an increase in basal spacing and exfoliation of the structure of some films. The Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis illustrated the main functional groups for BHDPE and EVA. Thermal analysis indicated that BHDPE degradation did not change with organoclay addition, but crystallinity increased. The mechanical properties showed an increase in the elastic modulus and a decrease in maximum tensile strength. This work contributes to the development and improvement of the natural properties of BHDPE in order to enlarge its applications.




bio polyethylene, clay, flat films, nanocomposites


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