Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Increasing the physical and combustion performance of Oriental beech by impregnating borates and coating liquid glass

Yilmaz Anil Gunbekler; Hilmi Toker; Caglar Altay; Mustafa Kucuktuvek; Ergun Baysal

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This study was designed to investigate physical properties such as color changes after weathering and water absorption (WA) levels, and combustion performance of borates-impregnated and LG-coated Oriental beech wood. Results showed that borates impregnated and LG-coated Oriental beech wood showed positive lightness stability after weathering. The best color stabilization was obtained with LG-coated Oriental beech. Except for the 1 h WA period, LG did not show a water repellent effect after the water absorption test. Borates impregnation before LG-coating caused to decrease in weight loss of Oriental beech after the combustion test. Moreover, the lowest weight losses were obtained in borate impregnated Oriental beech wood.


physical properties, combustion properties, borates, liquid glass, Oriental beech wood


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