Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Binary mixture micellar systems of F127 and P123 for griseofulvin solubilisation

Dutra, Lillian Maria Uchôa; Ribeiro, Maria Elenir Nobre Pinho; Cavalcante, Igor Marques; Brito, Débora Hellen Almeida de; Semião, Luana de Moraes; Silva, Raquel Freitas da; Fechine, Pierre Basílio Almeida; Yeates, Stephen George; Ricardo, Nágila Maria Pontes Silva

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Pluronics® molecules self-assemble in aqueous solution providing a core/shell architecture that improves the solubility of hydrophobic drugs. Binary mixtures of Pluronics® have been studied as drug nanocarriers in order to combine their advantages, like high colloidal stability, small particle size and good solubilisation capacity (Scp). In this work we studied Pluronics® binary mixture, P123 and F127, as nanocarriers of the hydrophobic drug griseofulvin. P123 (E21P67E21) shows a relative good Scp, whereas F127 (E98P67E98) shows a good colloidal stability. According to data, these binary mixtures form stables nano-sized comicelles in aqueous solution. The Scp of the P123/F127 systems at 25 and 37 °C was monitored by UV/Visible spectroscopy, showing good results at both temperatures, as would be expected, since P123/F127 have similar length hydrophobic block. Hydrophobic-dependence and temperature-responsive of the systems were evaluated by CMC, particle size and colloidal stability. Hence, stables P123/F127 comicelles may have potencial as hydrophobic drug delivery


binary mixtures, griseofulvin, Pluronics.


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