Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

PF/CLAY hybrid materials: a simple method to modulate the optical properties

Em, Marcio Chao Chen; Barbosa, Camila Gouveia; Péres, Laura Oliveira; Faez, Roselena

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The aim of this work was modulate the emission properties and improve thermal stability of a conjugated polymer incorporated into an inorganic matrix. Hybrid material was prepared based on poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-phenylene (PF) and montmorillonite (Na+Mt) clay using wet impregnation of 10, 30 and 50 wt.% of PF into Na+Mt and Na+Mt intercalated with ammonium quaternary salts (hexadecyltrimethylammonium — HDTMA) in a different proportions (OMt-1 and OMt-2). The materials were characterized by infrared and UV-Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence, X-ray diffratometry and thermogravimetry analysis. The results show that the presence of the clay alters the photoluminescent and thermal properties. Nevertheless, the degree of the clay organophilization and the clay content influences the luminescent properties due to the diverse interaction behavior between the polymer and clay. The sodium clay acted only as dispersing agent since no intercalation process occurs and the emission displacement is assigned to this behavior. In this case the PF emission displace from 402 to 395 nm. A nonlinear displacement is observed for PF/OMt-2 due the difficulties to conclude if the intercalation of the polymer occurs (379, 403 and 412 for hybrid with 10, 30 and 50%, respectively). For PF/OMt-1 a higher displacements for lower wavelength is observed due to intercalation of polymer chains and subsequent isolation in the interlamellar space, especially with material with 10 and 30% of PF in the hybrid material, whose displacement reached to 360 nm. All these results show that is possible to try to control the emission of the conjugated hybrid material changing the rate of the material.


polyfluorene, clay, hybrid materials, photoluminescence.


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