Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Review Article

The Use of Atomic Force Microscopy as an Important Technique to Analyze the Dispersion of Nanometric Fillers and Morphology in Nanocomposites and Polymer Blends Based on Elastomers

Sousa, Fabiula Danielli Bastos de; Scuracchio, Carlos H.

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AFM has been recognized as one of the most powerful tools for the analysis of surface morphologies because it creates three-dimensional images at angstrom and nano scale. This technique has been exhaustively used in the analyses of dispersion of nanometric components in nanocomposites and in polymer blends, because of the easiness of sample preparation and lower equipment maintenance costs compared to electron microscopy. In this review, contributions using AFM are described, with emphasis on the dispersion of nanofillers in polymeric matrices. It is aimed to show the importance of technical analysis for nanocomposites and polymer blends based on elastomers.


AFM, nanocomposites, elastomers, polymer blends, dispersion, morphology.


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