Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Analysis of equations of state for polymers

Padilha Júnior, Erlí José; Soares, Rafael de Pelegrini; Cardozo, Nilo Sérgio Medeiros

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In the literature there are several studies comparing the accuracy of various models in describing the PvT behavior of polymers. However, most of these studies do not provide information about the quality of the estimated parameters or the sensitivity of the prediction of thermodynamic properties to the parameters of the equations. Furthermore, there are few studies exploring the prediction of thermal expansion and compression coefficients. Based on these observations, the objective of this study is to deepen the analysis of Tait, HH (Hartmann-Haque), MCM (modified cell model) and SHT (simplified hole theory) equations of state in predicting the PvT behavior of polymers, for both molten and solid states. The results showed that all equations of state provide an adequate description of the PvT behavior in the molten state, with low standard deviations in the estimation of parameters, adequate sensitivity of their parameters and plausible prediction of specific volume, thermal expansion and isothermal compression coefficients. In the solid state the Tait equation exhibited similar performance to the molten state, while HH showed satisfactory results for amorphous polymers and difficulty in adjusting the PvT curve for semicrystalline polymers.


equation of state, PvT behavior, polymer.


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