Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Scientific & Technical Article

Sugarcane Bagasse Ash: New Filler to Natural Rubber Composite

Santos, Renivaldo José dos; Agostini, Deuber Lincon da Silva; Cabrera, Flávio Camargo; Aparecido, Elton; Reis, Prado dos; Ruiz, Marcos Roberto; Budemberg, Eduardo Roque; Teixeira, Silvio Rainho; Job, Aldo E.

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Waste recycling has been the subject of numerous scientific researches regarding the environmental care. This paper reports the redirecting of sugarcane bagasse ash (SBA) as new filler to natural rubber (NR/SBA). The NR/SBA composites were prepared using an opened cylinder mixer to incorporate the vulcanization agents and different proportions of residue (SBA). The ash contains about 70-90% of inorganic compounds, with silica (SiO2) being the main compound. The SBA incorporation improved the mechanical properties of the vulcanized rubber. Based on these results, a new use is proposed for the agro-industry organic waste to be implemented in the rubber vulcanization process, aimed at improving the rubber physical properties as well as decreasing the prices of natural rubber composites.


Sugarcane bagasse ash, natural rubber, vulcanization, recycling, biomass.


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