Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Preparation and characterization of composites from plastic waste and sugar cane fiber

Ricardo Yoshimitsu Miyahara; Fábio Luiz Melquiades; Ezequiel Ligowski; Andressa do Santos; Silvia Luciana Fávaro; Osmar dos Reis Antunes Junior

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Abstract: This study presents the preparation and characterization of composite materials using Plastic Waste from Hydrapulper (PWH) from paper industries extruded with sugar cane fiber residues from ethanol industries. The factorial design showed that composite material with 40% of sugar cane fiber, pressed with 5 ton was the optimized condition. The main findings attested that the composite is resistant up to 250 °C and its hardness is increased compared to the raw PWH. The material presented woodsy aspect although water absorption has increased. So, this study offers a good alternative for the use of plastic waste generated as a by-product of recycled paper industry as well as a destination to the sugar cane bagasse.


cane bagasse fiber, composite material, hidrapulper equipment, plastic waste, alternative material for wood


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