Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Fabrication of poly(lactic acid) incorporated chitosan nanocomposites for enhanced functional polyester fabric

Zulfiqar Ali Raza; Faiza Anwar

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Abstract: This study dealt with the fabrication and analysis of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) mediated chitosan nanocomposite. Such a novel nanobiocomposite may get future applications in drug delivery, and nanofinising of textile and polymer surfaces. Herein, this nanocomposite has been considered as an antibacterial finishing agent for a hydrophobic textile fabric like polyester. The prepared nanocomposite was characterized for zeta size and morphology, and subsequently applied on a woven polyester fabric though a coross linker. The treated polyester fabric was analyzed for textile functional characteristics as well asantibacterial activity. The spectral and optical properties demonstrated that the nanocomposite developed exhibited spherical morphologies with a mean nano particle size of ca. 88 nm. The treated fabric projected satisfactory antibacterial and fair fabric attributes. Hence, the nanofinished polyester fabric is a potential biocompatible candidate as medical and antibacterial textiles in addition to be used in antibacterial water filtration and materials packing.


antibacterial, chitosan, cotton fabric, nanocomposite, PLA


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